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Design News

11 Smashing Points To Empower Your Design Conceptualization

Often times the importance of conceptualization for creating a great design is ignored by designers. Here are 11 tips to boost your conceptualization skills.

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HTML 5 Forms Demo

A demo of a spruced up form using HTML5 only, from inherit required fields, fields with icons inside them, to a built-in slider control. Demo currently requires Opera 9.5+ to view.

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55+ useful guides to earning money online for web designers

50 online services you should check out as a web designer or photographer to profit from your work.

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40 Beautifully Designed Christian Websites

The following websites serve as a source of inspiration, especially if you are designing a church website.

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How To Use Pure CSS or JavaScript plugins to style web forms

A look at styling web forms using pure CSS alone or with the aid of JavaScript plugins.

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200+ Free Exclusive Vector Icons: “Primo”

A set of 200 free and exclusive vector icons called “Primo”, from arrows to "New" and "Sale" icons.

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154 Matte Black Social Media Icons

A set of matte black social media icons for Facebook, Twitter, Digg etc.

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20 MySQL Admin and Development Tools and cheat sheets

A compilation of popular MySQL Admin and Development Tools that both beginners and professionals can benefit from.

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